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Panasonic DMC-ZS3


Panasonic DMC-ZS3$350. It gives you the immunity to stand photos of group without feat in their faces and usurp close-ups of architectural information return without springing for a cherry-picker rental. The 10.1-megapixel Panasonic DMC-ZS3 provides a grumbling 12x ascent "equivalent to a sinewy 25-300mm lens on a 35mm camera" in a packet that weighs a simple 7.2 ounces and measures 2.35 by 4.07 by 1.29 inches, about the depth of trio CD cases. And it shoots movies at 720p resolve with exposure strong, storing the results in the dense AVCHD Fatless initialise, so you can rack hours of video onto a safety remembering separate "acquire virtually four to octet gigabytes per distance".


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