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Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom Digital Camera

Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom

The Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom features a 14 megpixel device and a 30x optical rise organ,advantageous a 3inch LCD exhibit, and according to Olimbos it is the world's smallest superzoom camera. Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom

Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom has the 30x optical hurry lense is equivalent to 28mm-840mm focal length in 35mm. It is surefooted of recording HD video in 720p and has HDMI out so you can join it to your HDTV. Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom

The Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom include improved in soul improvement, and a ambit of shapely in features to redact your images. Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom

Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom also unveiled another display, the SP-600UZ which features a 2.7 inch presentation. Both models instrument be open afterwards this month, with the Olympus SP-800UZ retailing for $349 and the SP-600UZ retailing for $249. Olympus SP-800UZ Superzoom


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